Adult ADHD - FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions about our Adult ADHD service. If you need any further information please email
Do I need a referral from my GP?
Technically you do not require a GP referral for an appointment as we will contact your GP, with your consent, asking for your medical records prior to your first appointment with us. However, in the current climate it is advisable to speak to your GP and discuss about a private referral to our clinic. This will help to start a conversation about shared care agreement with the GP if you receive a diagnosis of ADHD and choose to start medication.
How does the assessment take place?
The assessment takes place through an online video consultation. Alternatively, if required face to face appointments can also be arranged in our clinic. Follow up appointments will be a telephone call or video consultation.
How long does the assessment appointment take?
New patient assessment appointments usually take 2 hours.
When are appointments available?
As soon as we receive all your documents and you complete the QbCheck, we will offer an appointment within 2 weeks and this can be arranged anytime including after working hours in the evening or weekends. There is no waiting list.
Is there any preparation required before the assessment?
The doctor will ask for your photo ID, blood pressure, heart rate, weight and height which will need to be ready before your first appointment. Blood pressure monitors can be purchased online for less than £20. We recommend purchasing one of these if you start medication, as we will need the readings at every review.
Does the initial assessment fee include prescription?
The initial assessment fee includes a detailed report with diagnosis and treatment plan. It does not cover the cost for the first prescription. If an ADHD diagnosis is confirmed, treatment options will be discussed, and the prescription will be included in the treatment package. However there will be an additional charge for medication at the pharmacy as the prescriptions are private (pink).
If diagnosed with ADHD, how soon can I start my medication?
After you have reflected on the diagnosis and the wider treatment options, then a further appointment can be arranged within 7 days to start treatment and the prescription will be issued immediately.
How many follow up appointments will be required before being moved to shared care with the GP?
Generally, it takes about 2-4 follow up appointments before medication titration is complete and the patient is stable. We support Shared Care arrangements with the GP and aim to transfer prescribing to the GP at the earliest opportunity.
Can I contact you in an emergency?
If you have any concerns during our working hours, please contact us by calling 0161 6478039 or emailing
However, we do not provide an out of hours or emergency/crisis service. If you are in crisis, please call 999 or 111 as appropriate or see below for additional support details.
Samaritans - 0161 236 8000 (local call charges apply) or 116 123 (free to call) can also be provide confidential support and are open 24 hours a day.
I was diagnosed with ADHD in a foreign country, can you help?
If you were diagnosed with ADHD in a foreign country, we would be happy to assist. Copies of your original assessment report and progress reports will be helpful.
Am I fully discharged once the shared care starts?
Once the Shared Care Arrangement is in place and GP has started prescribing your medication, we recommend a review with us every 12 months. If there are any concerns whist you are under shared care, we will be involved in your care and will be available for you or your GP.
What is the cost of medication?
We do not dispense medications, but the cost of different medications varies depending on which medication is prescribed and the pharmacy.